June 14th, 2017 | Posted By: Magdalena Wszelaki | Posted in Adrenals, Anti-Candida, Articles, Estrogen Dominance, Menopause, PCOS | Tagged

How to Boost Magnesium Levels to Rebalance Your Hormones

If you’re a busy modern woman, chances are you’re deficient in magnesium and don’t even know it. This multi-tasking mineral is needed for your body to complete around 300 enzyme responses. Many of these responses impact your natural hormone balance.

If you’re a busy modern woman, chances are you’re deficient in magnesium and don’t even know it. This multitasking mineral is needed for your body to complete around 300 enzyme responses. Many of these responses impact your natural hormone balance.

According to the Human Genome Project, more than 3,500 proteins also have binding sites for magnesium, which indicates it is a “must have” mineral with big health impacts.

Signs of Low Magnesium

In the short-term, low magnesium levels can cause:

  • Muscle spasms, from feet cramps to chest pain (due to spasms in your heart muscle)
  • Headaches
  • Feeling constantly fatigued or weak
  • Anxiety and edginess
  • Loss of appetite
  • Quick exhaustion during exercise: Research has found that during moderate activity, women with low magnesium levels in their muscle are likely to use more energy and tire far more quickly.
  • Insomnia: Magnesium supplements are very effective for improving sleep quality and depth.

Long-Term, Chronic Magnesium Deficiency Has Been Linked to an Increase in:

  • Heart arrhythmias and heart attack
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney stones
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammation
  • Blood clots
  • Inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Seizures
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Stroke: Treating a patient with magnesium in the first hour after a stroke can quickly dilate blood vessels and help to reduce the damage from the stroke.
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension: The bigger the dose of magnesium, the more it can lower your blood pressure.
  • High cholesterol
  • Memory issues: Animal studies show that magnesium supplementation can help reverse this.
  • Heart disease: The good news?  The Framingham health study has shown that self-reported magnesium intake is associated with less arterial calcification and therefore less risk of heart attack and stroke – particularly in women.

The Magic Of Magnesium

Your body stores around half of its magnesium in the cells of your tissues and organs. The other 49% combines with calcium and is stored in your bones to keep them strong and healthy. This leaves just a small fraction of around 1% of free magnesium in your blood. This is why blood tests are not very helpful for checking magnesium because they don’t show the levels in your cells.

Magnesium also works hand in hand with calcium, so if you take calcium supplements and/or plenty of dairy foods and not enough magnesium to balance this out, you can end up with a backlash in the form of painful joints or increased anxiety.

A “Super Mineral,” Magnesium Helps Your Body:

  • Produce energy: It does this by attaching to an important energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  It is also critical to how well your cells burn energy.
  •  Build bones, cell membranes and chromosomes
  •  Convert food into fuel
  •  Relax muscles
  •  Regulate body temperature
  •  Digest and utilize proteins, carbs and fats
  •  Build RNA and synthesize DNA
  •  Filter out toxins like mercury, aluminum and lead
  •  Produce glutathione, the ‘mother of antioxidants’
  • Taxi ions like calcium and potassium across cell membranes – a process pivotal for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction and normal heart rhythms. Magnesium is the counter-ion for calcium and potassium in your muscle cells. This is why, if levels drop too low, your nerve signals and muscle contractions may be affected, leading to muscle cramps and heart arrhythmias.
  • Keep cell function synchronized with day and night: Recent research has found in human cells, algae, and fungi that levels of magnesium in cells rise and fall in a daily cycle. This helps to keep the individual body clocks in your cells better synchronized to the circadian rhythm of night (dark) and day (light).

Magnesium and Your Hormones


When you have sufficient magnesium it helps to naturally balance hormones, benefiting your:

  • Thyroid function: Magnesium helps convert the less active T4 thyroid hormone to the more active T3.
  • Estrogen balance: Along with folic acid and the antioxidant glutathione, magnesium is critical to Phase II detoxification in the liver. During this process, estrogen metabolites are made water-soluble so that they can be excreted from the body in urine or your stool. But if you have insufficient magnesium, your liver may be less able to complete Phase II detox, which may contribute to estrogen dominance. ED can cause weight gain, fluid retention and also contribute to the development of cancers of the breast and ovaries. For more about this, take a look at my post about ED.
  • Ability to reduce adrenaline and cortisol: As a calming hormone, magnesium helps to reduce over-reactivity in your Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. The upshot? You experience less anxiety and stay calmer during stress, reducing your production of stress hormones. Cutting out coffee can also help stabilize your adrenals. To find out why, take a look at my post.
  • Insulin Sensitivity: Magnesium is so helpful for lowering blood sugar that some experts call it ‘natural metformin’ – in reference to the drug used to stabilize blood sugars in people with type II diabetes. When magnesium helps stabilize blood sugars, women feel fewer cravings for snacks and find it much easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Conversely, when people are deficient in magnesium their risk of impaired insulin and the development of type II diabetes shoots up. 
  • Production of steroid sex hormones: Magnesium is involved in pivotal processes that allow your body to produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.   
  •  Manufacture of DHEA and human growth hormone: These are important anabolic hormones produced at night when we sleep. Magnesium aids their production by promoting better sleep quality and faster sleep onset. Improved sleep then allows your body to get on with the job of producing hormones and repairing cellular damage.
  •  Serotonin Levels: Magnesium helps to convert an amino acid called tryptophan into the important mood-boosting hormone serotonin. Serotonin also makes melatonin, which is needed for good quality sleep. Magnesium also helps regulate calcium ion flow in calcium channels in the brain. So when it is deficient, neuronal issues may reduce brain function and trigger depression.  The more deficient you are in magnesium the higher the risk of depression. When magnesium supplementation is given to people with issues like depression and anxiety, the improvements can often be miraculous.

How Much Magnesium Women Need

The recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is around 320 milligrams per day. If levels drop below this the ramifications can quickly be seen. In one study of postmenopausal women, when their intake of dietary magnesium was reduced to 130 mg, they quickly showed signs of magnesium depletion in their blood, red blood cells, and urine.

But many women need a higher magnesium intake than the RDA – particularly if they have genetic issues, conditions like thyroid autoimmune disease or problems like stress, that are robbing them of magnesium.

So, to settle on the best dose of magnesium you need to listen to what feels right for your body. If you overdo it, the biggest impact you might experience is loose stool and then you will know to reduce your daily intake. Some people require as much as 2000 mg to replenish.

To learn more about how to balance your hormones with supplements (and which to take), you can download our FREE Supplement Guide here.

Causes of Magnesium Depletion

Even if you are taking supplements, you can still be magnesium deficient. Blame it on the following health issues and lifestyle factors, which can bind up, deplete or affect your magnesium levels:

Gut issues: Chronic belly issues such as diarrhea or inflammatory bowel conditions like Celiac disease or Crohn’s disease can interfere with the health of your digestive system and its ability to absorb magnesium. To address gut issues and encourage a balance of good belly bacteria, take a look at my gut-friendly suggestions here. A hormone-balancing diet of whole and plant foods can do a great deal to improve gut health. We have an entire collection of hormone-balancing recipes available on our blog for free and in my books, Overcoming Estrogen Dominance and Cooking For Hormone Balance.

Stress: Always rushing, stressing and feeling overwhelmed? Then your body keeps triggering your “fight or flight” response. It also dumps calming minerals like magnesium because it wants your entire system to be on high alert to run from a predator or stand and fight for your life. Unfortunately, you are hard-wired to perceive all stresses as potentially life-threatening, so you respond to losing your wallet or arguing with your partner as if you have just been attacked by a saber-toothed tiger. So if stress is your middle name you are likely to be deficient in magnesium.

To find out how to break this cycle, read my post on How Adrenal Fatigue Causes Weight Gain, Fluid Retention and Exhaustion.

Soil depletion: Overfarming and use of pesticides and harsh chemical fertilizers have led to the depletion of minerals like magnesium in the soil where crops are being grown, which in turn causes lower levels of magnesium in our vegetables and fruit.

Food processing: You might think you’re safe because you don’t eat take-away burgers, fries or pizza. But that’s not the kind of food processing I’m talking about. When we process foods in factories, it results in loss of minerals like magnesium – even if the foods are healthy. For example, polishing rice or processing whole grains to turn them into flour can result in around 60% loss of magnesium in the food.

Low stomach acid: This can interfere with your magnesium absorption. Don’t presume that you have enough stomach acid – particularly if you have gut issues or an autoimmune disease. Instead, do this self-test: Buy some digestive enzymes that combine Hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Take one pill before a meal and have your food, then take 2 pills at the next meal and keep increasing the dose until you feel a burn or discomfort. When that happens, go back to the previous dose.

I’ve had times when my stomach acid has been so low that I’ve had to go up to 5 pills before a meal, but it really aided my digestion. Though lemon water and apple cider vinegar can have a similar impact, for some women they are just not enough. Also, one pill is roughly equal to one tablespoon of lemon juice of vinegar and most people would just find it too strong to have five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one go at every meal – which is why the hydrochloric pills are a better option.

Supplements to watch out for:  

  • Zinc: Taking around 142 mg of zinc a day can reduce levels of magnesium in some people, research shows.
  • Iron: This can bind to magnesium, lowering the free levels available to enter your cells. Instead of taking supplements consider ways to use more chicken livers, which are very good sources of iron. Try this quick and delicious chicken pate recipe.

Oxalates: These natural chemicals in foods can bind up magnesium too. So don’t overdo your intake of Swiss chard, spinach, chocolate, and nuts, and avoid soy altogether. If you have a morning smoothie with spinach, cacao and almond milk, that is just like an oxalate bomb. Instead, make green smoothies from leafy greens like mizuna and arugula, and use coconut milk instead of almond milk.

Kidney issues: These may be caused by misuse of diuretics, under-functioning kidney or issues like diabetes, leading your body to excrete more magnesium in your urine.

Medications: Birth control pills and antibiotics can leach your body of magnesium. So can diuretics, which is why some women complain that when they use diuretics for fluid issues, they also experience leg and foot cramps – particularly when doing exercise.

Alcohol: Just like diuretics, this magic mineral can also leach magnesium out of your body. The more you drink, the higher the risk of depletion.

Fluoride intake: Magnesium binds to fluoride, which means less is available to be used by your body. So invest in a good water filter as drinking unfiltered tap water could be robbing your body of magnesium. Many different medications also contain fluoride including anti-cholesterol drugs, some painkillers and anti-anxiety meds – so where possible, try to find non-drug ways to deal with health issues. For example, try using magnesium for headaches or slow breathing to deal with anxiety.

Aging: With age, our gut may simply not absorb nutrients as well – which is why studies show that older people often have lower levels of magnesium.

Magnesium-Rich Foods

As you know, my preference is to boost important nutrients by eating for hormone balance. These healthy foods can help replenish your magnesium levels:

  • Seaweed: Go for varieties such as kelp, kombu and dulce. When making a broth put a strip of the seaweed in the soup so the magnesium leaches into the broth.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Including broccoli and cabbage
  • Nuts: Including almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews and Brazil nuts (which also contain thyroid-boosting selenium)
  • Chocolate
  • Swiss chard
  • Buckwheat and millet
  • Fish
  • Brown rice
  • Lima beans
  • Okra
  • Banana

You can learn how to add more hormone-balancing ingredients to your meals with our FREE 19 Estrogen Balancing Superfoods Guide here.

Choosing the Right Magnesium Supplement

Sometimes, even if you are eating hormone-balancing foods, you need magnesium supplementation too. Here’s a rundown on some supplement options:

  • Magnesium glycinate: This is the Rolls Royce of magnesium because it is a gut-friendly form that is highly bioavailable and better tolerated, causing fewer side effects like diarrhea. I especially recommend the chelated form, which is broken into amino acids which do not complete for absorption with other minerals – making it highly bioavailable. I particularly like the Wellena Magnesium Replenish. This unique form of magnesium has been shown to be effective for individuals with the greatest impairments in magnesium absorption, including those with inflammatory bowel conditions, among whom the prevalence of overt magnesium deficiency may be as high as 86%. I recommend starting with one 300mg dose and then go up if you feel you’re not seeing enough benefit.
  • Magnesium citrate: Combines the mineral with citric acid and may have laxative effects. If you can’t afford to buy magnesium glycinate, this is the next best option. If you are chronically constipated it is also a good choice because it can cause loose stools. I like the Wellena Magnesium Citrate.
  • Magnesium oxide: This is the cheapest form of magnesium and is not well absorbed and may also cause diarrhea, I, therefore don’t recommend it. You can tell the commitment of a supplement company to quality – if they use magnesium oxide, I generally won’t trust it.
  • Topical magnesium: One of my favorite ways of absorbing magnesium is through the skin, which allows you to bypass your digestive system, avoiding any digestive upset. Some women say they experience a wonderful sense of relaxation when applying magnesium oil on their feet and shoulders before bed.  If the magnesium oil stings you, combine it with a little coconut or almond oil. Try: Quick Magnesium from Wellena.
  • Magnesium Crystals:  I don’t particularly like the feel of oils on my skin so I prefer magnesium crystals. I use Ancient Minerals, which can be added to baths and foot baths. I add a cup in a hot magnesium bath twice a week and replenish my minerals while I relax.
  • Though Epsom salts also contain magnesium, I can’t tolerate them as they are in the form of magnesium sulfates. I have recently been working with a genetic expert and I have discovered that I have a double genetic mutation that does not allow my liver sulfation detoxification pathway to process sulfur efficiently. That explains why, when I did a floating tank that contained Epsom salts with a friend a few years ago he felt wonderful and it made me feel tired and generally unwell.

I hope this article has helped you find an appreciation for this wonderful mineral. Fixing it is easy and has helped many women rebalance their hormones quickly.

If you want to read up more about which forms of magnesium may be right for you, I recommend reading this article.

I also invite you to learn about the Magnesium Rotation Method, an easy way to optimize your magnesium levels without having to micromanage your food intake. You can find out more about it here.

Learn more with Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

“The body has an amazing ability to heal. We just need to give it the right resources.”

In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, my goal is to empower and give you the tools to take control of your hormones and health.

More than 70% of women experience estrogen dominance. The symptoms range from lumpy and fibrocystic breasts to thyroid nodules, hot flashes, fibroids, uterine polyps, painful, heavy or irregular periods to infertility and miscarriages, from mood swings to insomnia, weight gain to fatigue.

So many women have experienced the pain and frustration that comes when they feel their symptoms and complaints are dismissed or minimized. This is particularly true for women who are experiencing the symptoms of hormone imbalance. Even when doctors do offer treatment, it’s typically in the form of prescription medication or invasive surgical procedures.

In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, I hope to show that those extreme interventions are often unnecessary, and to give women a roadmap to reverse estrogen dominance using food, herbs, supplements and natural protocols to rebalance hormones.

To get your copy of Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, go here.

87 Comments to How to Boost Magnesium Levels to Rebalance Your Hormones

  1. Great information! I’m sure I am deficient in magnesium, but I need reminders to continue my regiment of supplements, Ancient mineral soaks, eating magnesium-rich foods and using magnesium oil. I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I find that I have much less pain when I’m getting more magnesium.

    • HI Claudia,

      Yes, those are all good. It is wonderful that you have found it helpful. Maybe you can leave yourself notes or use an alarm to remember to take the magnesium.

    • Sheila Raghunandan

      Thank you for sharing the extremely informative article. God bless.

  2. Hi, thank you so much for sharing your research with us! I noticed in this article though, some of the foods mentioned to help, also can cause problems. What amounts do you recommend to avoid a problem with say chocolate and chard?

    Also, my thyroid gland has been removed so I’m taking a generic Synthroid. Would the same foods and magnesium help me? I do get foot cramps sometimes.

    • HI Cindy,
      It is difficult to give an amount because everyone is different. You will want to tune into your own body and see how it works for you. Yes, the same foods would help you. Here is a great talk on magnesium https://youtu.be/fClXLf0nHj0.

    • Hi Cindy,
      Yes, the foods appear on both sides as they are good sources of magnesium but also have high amounts of oxalates which bind up magnesium making it harder to absorb. So, you can do the high oxalate foods far less frequently and concentrate on the other high magnesium foods that are not high in oxalates. Yes, these foods will still help even though you are taking Synthroid.

  3. Interesting article with the symptoms. Confusing however on which foods are to be avoided and which are beneficial; as some are noted in both categories. Perhaps a clarification can be made please.

    • Hi Dennis,
      yes, the foods appear on both sides as they are good sources of magnesium but also have high amounts of oxalates which bind up magnesium making it harder to absorb. So, you can do the high oxalate foods far less frequently and concentrate on the other high magnesium foods that are not high in oxalates. Hope that helps!

  4. Great article, I am wondering if you have a favorite topical magnesium? I looked on line and there are so many to choose from.
    Thank you!

  5. Dear Magdalena, Thank you so much for this information, it was vital to me. You emailed me a couple weeks ago with this same information and I deleted it by mistake. I went through past emails and see that you had emailed it to me a second time. I was recently started to use Magnesium Glycinate 400 by KAL. I take 1 tsp. w/juice every night. My go to person who owns the Health Food Store down the street suggested it for me as I went in to ask her about leg and foot cramps at night. I am happy to say that I have not had any cramping since. But the information that you have sent me is a wonderful read and it has given me more of an understanding of why magnesium is so important. When I would wake up in the middle of the night with a cramp I do have a cream by Dr. sHEALy, this is how he spells his name on the bottle which includes “Biogenics Magnesium Lotion” which he explains that this product goes right into the system through the skin. It truly has been a life safer and very beneficial to me, but now that I have read your article I see that maybe even more magnesium is needed in the body. My question is do you think that this is an adequate amount of Magnesium that I am taking and is it also essential for men as well? I have been following you for some time now and am interested in getting on board with you in the very near future. Probably by September, my husband just went through Open Heart Surgery (triple bypass) and he requires a lot of attention from me at this time. By September I will be ready to get your program, or is there a specific time when you are offering it again? Please let me know, Thank you, Judi

    • I will try the one that you suggest that is time released when I finished what I have now. Thank you so much. Judi

      • HI Judith,

        Yes, definitely, men need it too. Here is a really good talk on Magnesium https://youtu.be/fClXLf0nHj0. Also, the program will be running for a bit longer. We really don’t know when things will be changed. Looking forward to see you in September 🙂

    • Hi Judith,
      The amount of 400 mg of magnesium is a good amount for daily supplementation. Glad the cream is helping too. Yes, both men and women can be deficient in magnesium and Magdalena’s program is available anytime you are ready to start. The program is on line and can be joined any day or time. We look forward to having you.

  6. What if you had breast cancer. .? They want me to tale the pills to stop estrogen in my body. I am 77 year old and tired and can’t sleep taking pill for depression and have low Thyroid. I also have cramping in my legs real bad. I will take the magnesium my Dr said will help me sleep but don’t take to much can cause diarrhea.

    • Hi Betty, If taking magnesium not relieving legs cramp check the type you are taking. Are you using magnesium citrate or glycinate? These would be the best forms. Also try taking a few times a day so you can take higher dose but not enough to move your bowels. Also, taking a bath with epsom salts is a great way to get magnesium into the body when you can’t take any more by mouth. Hope that helps.

    • Hi Dez,
      Supplement forms of magnesium can be used if getting magnesium from your diet proves too challenging.

    • Hi Dez,
      Magnesium lactate dihydrate is the magnesium salt of lactic acid and is a naturally occurring mineral that is needed in the body to support the function of the heart, nervous system, and digestive system. It is used as a supplement to treat magnesium deficiency, heartburn, indigestion and upset stomach.

    • Hi Dana,
      Here’s what I found. Magnesium Malate is a compound of magnesium and malic acid, clinically shown to soothe and energize muscle cells. Malic acid is an important component of numerous enzymes key to ATP synthesis and energy production. Therefore, magnesium malate may be helpful in those suffering from fatigue due to conditions like fibromyalgia. Consult a physician before taking magnesium malate.

    • Hi Dana, Magnesium malate is a form of magnesium you could use to supplement if getting it from your diet proves too challenging.

    • Hey Dana,
      For those having issues with energy production, a magnesium malate supplement may be effective for helping with chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia.
      No surprise, this form may be too stimulating for some and may disrupt sleep, especially when taken at night.
      -Taylor, HB team

  7. When I take more than 1/2 tsp of Natural Calm at a time, my blood pressure seems to go too low and I feel lethargic. Is that a common side effect of Mg? Or is it indicator of another issue that I need to address, like adrenal fatigue?

  8. When taking magnesium as supplement, my incidents of muscle cramps (at night) IN-creased! I have been eating a whole food (real food), plant-based (vegetarian now vegan) diet for years, so maybe my taking additional Mg supplements causes imbalances with potassium, calcium and/or other minerals?

    • Hi Heidi!
      What form of magnesium are you taking? Has anything else changed in your daily routine? I would recommend making an appointment with your medical professional to address your muscle cramps. Many of our clients have had success working with functional medicine doctor. If you need help locating one in your area, here is a good tool


      Wishing you success on your healing journey.
      -Taylor, HB team

  9. I suffer with migraine headaches, and polycystic kidney disease, and am menopausal. Which suppliment and dosage is best for me?

  10. Good info on magnesium. However, folic acid is synthetic. People should really have folate or methylfolate. Also, B-6 is an important co-factor for magnesium. That’s why I like Jigsaw Health Magnesium with SRT. I also like their MagNow which I take before bed.

  11. Thank you! Great information about Magnesio, I take it for many years Chlorure de Magnesium , I buy it in France, and it is great. I am 69 years old. I don’t feel any pains and I dont need medications. My medication is my food. Thanks for your amazing help.

  12. I have all symptoms of low magnesium
    Fibromyalgia, arthritis. I am on Prozac for p.m.s, like symptoms and
    scoliosis of the spine
    I think I would benefit from a magnesium supplement
    I am low D also
    In childhood years I had severe nose bleeds and the doctor put me on a k in the 60’s
    I was diagnosed ADD not on any meds

  13. I’m very intrigued by all of this! Thanks so much for sharing! I’m curious – what are your sources for all of this info? Are there particular studies you can cite?

  14. Such a great article! Thank you. Do you know anything about how often we should supplement? Does it hurt to take it every day? Is that recommended? Or if I want to supplement due to mood swings and cramps should can I focus on taking it only during a certain part of my cycle?

    • Hi Jaclyn,
      Which ever one you choose will instruct on dosing. Yes, it is something you can take every day. It is always recommended to tune into your body and see how it responds. I like to take mine every day. ~Deanna HB Team

  15. Thank you for this article. I wasn’t previously aware you could get magnesium in a topical application. I know I’m low but haven’t been able to take it because of my gastroparesis. A topical application should bypass the gastroparesis issues while giving my fibro the muh needed benefits.

    Again, thank you

    • Hi Natasha,
      Yes, the topical option would be something good to try~Deanna HB Team

    • You might try ReMag hydrating lotion by Dr. Carolyn Dean as a wonderful transdermal way of getting some Mg.

  16. Thank you! Great information about Magnesium. However, I’m a little confused. It states to stay away from magnesium oxide and recommends Magnesium Replenish, which according to the label, contains magnesium oxide. Can you explain what seems to be a contradiction?

    Thank you!

    • Thanks Claudia. Here’s the scoop on Magnesium Oxide in the product. There is an extremely small amount used in this product. Using oxide solo is more the problem. It is very bowel loosening but in combination it still has benefit. It is used as an alkalizing agent. This makes the magnesium more bioavailable for the maximum absorption. – Lori HB team

  17. Hi Jaclyn,
    You can take Magnesium every day. There may be other supplements to consider for cramping and mood swings. Please send an email to [email protected] and the team can discuss this with you~Deanna HB Team

  18. I just bought the quick magnesium topical but there are no instructions on how much to apply or what it is equivalent to in milligrams.. Can you advise?

  19. Great information! I’m 49, peri- menopause is kicking me right now and I began taking 200 mg magnesium citrate every six hours, no more hot flashes with sweats, electricity zaps or dryness, I wish my doctor could have told me that and saved me the agony, thank goodness for the internet, spread the word people!

  20. Your Magnesium Replenish uses Magnesium Oxide in the mix which seems kinda weird that you say to avoid it…….?

    • OOoops just read your explanation about why you have a small amount…Sorry

  21. Hi, I’ve taken magnesium for years to help with cramping and migraines. I actually managed to come off daily migraine meds through increasing my mag levels. I’m lactose intolerant and take 800mg daily and still get cramp and more migraines than I’d like. I feel increasing would help, but my diet is low in calcium as i don’t touch dairy, should I supplement? I find advice over this confusing. I’m 38 many thanks for any advice

  22. Hi!

    I recently started taking magnesium glycinate and the fatigue i am feeling along with headaches has been debilitating.

    It there anything that can be done about this? I am only taking between 135 mg and 270mg a day for severe constipation.

  23. After reading your information I am excited about magnesium and have been taken citrate and malate daily. I’m interested in reducing my blood sugar’s as I have severe insulin resistance. What form of magnesium do I need to look at or what doses do I need to take to address that issue? Otherwise I have most of the symptoms of low magnesium deficiency.

  24. Inconsistency to say do not eat kale, chocolate or almonds because they contain oxylates and then to say to eat the same foods because they contain magnesium.


    • Hi Linda,
      I can understand the confusion here. The article however states to not overdo your intake of foods with oxalates, but you do not need to avoid them altogether.

      Hope this makes since.
      -Taylor, HB team

  25. I have been studying Magnesium for over 6 years and just discovered this comprehensive article and have been sharing it with people I know who need Magnesium, I would like to suggest that Magnesium Malate to be added to the recommended list. I watched one of the videos where Magdelena held up JigSawHealth’s slow release supplement and called it Glycinate but it is in fact MALATE and it works great for me. I also like the new product by Dr. Dean called ReMag hydrating lotion, feels great on the skin.

  26. I discovered through hair analysis that I needed to add extra potassium supplements in order to fully use my magnesium as they do work together and I wasn’t eating enough K rich foods.

  27. I tried Natures Calm on three different occasions this year. It starts off great. Awesome sleep, good mood and then after about 3 or 4 weeks of taking it daily I sink into a deep depression with suicidal thoughts. I snap out of it once I realize whats happening. Still very scary.

    • Thank you for sharing your experience, Yosh. Have you tried a different form of magnesium?
      ~ Jeanne HB Team

  28. How much do you rec a night? 300mg ? I was taking 200 mg but just increased to 300 to see if my sleep would improve. Also is it safe to use magnesium with progesterone and other supplements

    • Hi Mary, Every one is different, there isn’t a recommended dose besides what’s on the label or suggested by your health care provider who is familiar with your health history. As Magdalena mentioned, the best dose of magnesium you need is to listen to what feels right for your body. If you overdo it, the biggest impact you might experience is loose stool and then you will know to reduce your daily intake. Let us know how the magnesium works works for you:)
      ~ Jeanne HB Team

  29. Hey I have a bad thyroid (originally TSH 85.) and a pituitary tumor I have brown spots all over my face my whole face is pretty much brown. I did the magnesium that you said was the Rolls-Royce… do you have any other suggestions I am also taking thyroid medicines and 10,000 mg of D3

  30. Sulfation pathway… When we generally feel unwell for over a decade, even though we have worked at natural health, diet, supplements; we’ve made some improvement but we realize we may never be totally awesome. How can we tell if something like Epsom salt baths daily is helping or hurting? Is magnesium chloride better, or will the chloride potential cause another imbalance that we have to account for?

    • Hi Rachel, when you try Epsom salt baths, you could ask yourself what difference you notice afterwards. If you feel more relaxed, tense, calm, etc. This can be a way to tune into whether they are a suitable fit for you. Magnesium chloride is a great option to support relaxation and sleep. Everyone is different regarding what works for them and their bodies. Testing could an option to explore to determine where your unique needs lie, for hormonal testing, Magdalena refers people too, yourlabwork.com/hormonesbalance

      I hope this helps. If you have any additional questions, please send us an email at [email protected]. ~HB Support

  31. I currently take Magnesium Glycinate 350 mg, and there’s miniscule 12% in my multi-vitamin that doesn’t say what type. I would like to add magnesium malate for energy, and magnesium threonate to help my memory, but how much magnesium would be too much?

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