August 29th, 2017 | Posted By: Magdalena Wszelaki | Posted in Adrenals, Recipes, Teas, Drinks & Tonics | Tagged

Ashwagandha Latte

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb popular in Ayurvedic medicine that has shown great results for lowering cortisol and balancing thyroid hormones. Ashwagandha has also been proven effective in supporting adrenal function, helping you overcome adrenal fatigue and chronic stress.

It also may protect the brain from degeneration and can improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s, depression, and anxiety. Many women have reported deeper and more restful sleep after drinking this Ashwagandha Latte. 

This is a wonderful drink to enjoy about an hour before bedtime as part of your night time winding down rituals.

One of our iconic programs—Herbs for Balance—shows how to use everyday herbs and DIY skincare recipes to restore hormonal health. It’s a self-guided, 6-week program with live online community support.

Herbs for Balance was developed to help our community bring the power of common herbs (such as dandelions, nettles, red clover) into everyday life; whether it’s your kitchen, bathroom, food, or topical applications.

Here are just a few of the things you’ll learn:

  • Which simple herbs can support your liver on a daily basis?

  • Which herbs should I use when I get hot flashes?

  • How do I make a truly medicinally potent herbal infusion?

  • How do I make a quick latte using ashwagandha?

  • What can I do with common weeds such as yarrow, red clover, dandelions, nettles or plantains?

Our Herbs for Balance is available for just $57. Get it here.


Ashwagandha Latte
Equipment: Medium saucepan, whisk, strainer
  • 1 cup of milk (almond or hazelnut works well, if using coconut milk, I would suggest ½ cup coconut milk and ½ cup water)
  • 1 teaspoon ashwagandha powder
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • ½ teaspoon maple syrup or honey
How To Make
  1. Warm the milk, then add the powdered spices and maple syrup or honey
  2. Stir well, using the whisk to blend, adjusting for sweetness if necessary
  3. Pour into a nice cup and drink an hour before bed
CFHB Cookbook CTA

In my cookbook, Cooking For Hormone Balance, you’ll find over 125 easy, delicious recipes to nourish your body and balance your hormones without calorie restriction or deprivation.

All of the recipes are based on 20 hormone-supporting superfoods and 20 hormone-supporting super herbs—with modifications for Paleo, Paleo for Autoimmunity (AIP), anti-Candida, and low-FODMAP diets.

You can get a copy of the cookbook here.

39 Comments to Ashwagandha Latte

  1. Recently in the Richmond Times Dispatch newspaper here in VA the doctor for “The People’s Pharmacy” said Ashwagandha is helpful for people who are “wired but tired.” it has an anti-anxiety effect. Where do you purchase this herb? I worry about the manufacturing of herbs as I would any other food choice.
    Thanks for your help and I look forward to making this latte.

  2. Hello:) I’m gonna try the ashwanganda later as I’m going through menapause 🙁 lol I’m tired and wired when stress comes on.
    My son is a type one diabetic and now 20 in a stressful college engineering program. He takes great care of himself but eventually becomes wired and tired from sleep issues and stress! Have to be so careful what herbs or supplements a type one takes !! I was wondering if you know of any type one diabetics that use the ahwanganda latte or supplements with it? When you go to the pediatric endocrinologist ( who can see him until age 26) they aren’t into herbs and such:( so I can’t get a medical person to help me with more natural stuff for him!! I finally got the okay for him to take some magnesium supplements but haven’t tried that yet, as I read that it needs to be checked out by a doctor first ! I bet he is low on that because of his college environment and medical condition. Also maybe there is a functional medicine doctor that could work with a type one college kid? Any referrals ? I know you can’t give medical advise , I’m looking for direction or others that want to go natural with aiding their type one diabetics ! Loving your information and wisdom thankbyou blessings

    • Hi Teresa,
      We can’t offer medical advice or make any health claims but current medical information suggests that Ashwaganda might decrease blood sugar levels. … Taking ashwaganda along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. As with any herb, start out with small amounts and see how your body reacts. I hope this helps. The latte is totally delicious!
      Angela – Hormones Balance Team

    • Teresa I had many of the same problems and I went to a functional nutritionist who literally changed my life. She is a registered nutritional therapist and her name is Sylvia Salvendy at I have no commercial connection to her except as a former patient. I live in Greece now and she does Skype consultations and has a practice in Marylebone in London. I can’t recommend her highly enough if you are looking for a place to start. Good luck and best wishes, Joanna Richards.

  3. I typical don’t mind unusual tasting foods but I struggle with the taste of ashwaganda. Anyone else?

    • Hi Rennae,
      I hope you try this drink. The nut milk, sweetener and cinnamon really enhance the latte. Thanks for your comment.
      Angela, HB Team

    • Hi Claudia,
      You should buy the ashwaganda root. It comes in a shredded form not a powder. Mountain Rose Herbs is a great source for herbs.
      Thanks, Angela HB Team

        • Hi Anna,
          Yes the root is preferable to the powder. The powder oxidizes more quickly and loses it’s potency.
          Angela, HB Team

    • HI Sharron, yes! absolutely, there are great healing benefits in coconut oil. ~ Jen HB Support

  4. when I bought the ashwaganda root from my apothecary, he said to get the medicinal effects of the root it must be steeped first. to make your recipe he said to steep the root in the milk in a jar in a pan of warm water to keep it warm for 30 minutes. then store that in the fridge for up to 3 days and use it like a concentrated version, so take a third and dilute to taste to make the latte. this will give you the best properties of the plant.

  5. I see all the time 1/3 teaspoon is a serving of ashwagandha is it okay in this recipe that we are using one teaspoon ?thank you

    • HI Lorraine, I think you could as equal to a daily dose, so just check and see how your body feels. ~ Jen HB Support

    • Hi Kristy,
      We do not give any recommendations during pregnancy nor breast feeding. Please check with your practitioner on this inquiry. Thank you for understanding. ~HB Team

  6. I thought that Ashwaganda was not good for people with hashimotos is that right?

    • Hi Carolyn,
      It is a night shade, so, If one is avoiding night shades, then this would be avoided. Some people with hashimoto’s find this to be helpful. Magdalena recommends tuning into the body and see how it responds. ~HB Team

  7. cinnamon is high in histamines…will it taste good without it? what could you add in place of it? could you add collagen?

    • Hi R,
      Some people with histamine react to collagen as well. How do you do with nutmeg or a small amount of clove? ~HB Team

  8. I had already purchased ashwagandha supplement and am not able to purchase ashwagandaha in herb form right now. For now, could I simply
    break a capsule ( which is 800 mg) to use for this drink?

    • Absolutely, Debbie! I am not sure how many capsules that would be, so it might be a good idea to measure the first time into a teaspoon. Then once you know how many capsules you’ll need, you can empty them right into the pot.

      – HB Team

  9. I noticed in the video that she sweetened the latte with coconut nectar. Is that as good (or effective) as maple syrup or honey? How about using coconut sugar?

  10. Hi Pattie, yes, it is very effective, and has a lower glycemic index than most sweeteners. So nicer on the blood sugar. Yes, you could try coconut sugar as well, or stevia. HB Support

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