All program sales are final.
How to Use Everyday Herbs + Spices
to Rebalance Your Hormones
Restore your hormonal balance by:
Adding herbs, essential oils and medicinal foods, such as:
And 30 other herbs and spices!
Rebalance Your Hormones by detoxing your home
and cabinets from these hormone disruptors:
Phthalates, SLS (sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate), BPA and other “safe plastics”, Triclosan and Oxybenzone
commonly found in your shampoo, cleanser, tooth paste, body lotion, sun screens, perfumes and house cleaning products
and replacing them with safe, inexpensive, easily DIY-ed products
“The average adult uses 9 personal care products each day, with 126 unique chemical ingredients. More than a quarter of all women and one of every 100 men use at least 15 products daily.”
Source: EWG Survey “Exposures Add Up”
These chemicals have been linked to:
breast lumps and cancers
fibroids and endometriosis
infertility and miscarriages
thyroid cancer
premature menopause
developmental issues in children
Who is this program for?
Anyone suffering from:
Thyroid • Hashimoto’s • Adrenal Fatigue
PMS • Infertility • Peri-/Menopause • PCOS
Hot flashes • Endometriosis • Estrogen Dominance
Fibroids • Breast Lumps/Cancer
How will Herbs for Balance help you?
Natural Healing
Nurture the Adrenals
Detox Your Liver
Reverse Sugar Cravings
Deeply Connect
with the Herbs
Heal Digestion
Boost Immune System
Save on Expensive
Organic Brands
Cook with Herbs
Have So Much Fun!
Cut Out Chemicals
How You Will Be
Making a Difference
Buying a product off the shelf is easy but it is void of any emotional bond. Making your own salves, shampoos, lip gloss or latte will connect you with the herbs and allow you to nourish your body and soul.
Spark Your Creativity
Nurture Your Body with
the Highest Respect
Customize Your Product
Pass on the Knowledge
to Your Kids
Empower Women
in Your Community
Gift Your DIY Products
to Another Women
Support Sustainable Sources
Reduce Packaging
What Will You Learn
from Herbs for Balance?
Which herbs to use to rebalance which hormone
We have organized the herbs to quickly help you find which food or herb can help you.
[tooltip text=”What foods and herbs will support the adrenals?”][/tooltip]
[tooltip text=”Use these foods to rebalance your adrenals”][/tooltip]
[tooltip text=”Use these herbs to rebalance your adrenals”][/tooltip]
How to detox your home from endocrine-disrupting chemicals and replace with safe natural alternatives
Get clarity on how these chemicals have a profound impact on you and your family and how to easily and cheaply replace them with safe, divine-smelling and healthy alternatives.
Commercial cleaning brands full of:
SLS (sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate),
Instead, use:
Essential oils
Organic oils
Commercial skincare brands, full of:
SLS (sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate)
Instead, use:
Essential oils
Organic oils and fats
Leucidal liquid
Vitamin E
BPA and other “safe plastics”
Glass and ceramics
Stainless steel
Room fresheners
Sonic diffuser and essential oils
Commercial make-up brands
Safe, organic brands
How to detox your home from endocrine-disrupting chemicals and replace with safe natural alternatives
Get clarity on how these chemicals have a profound impact on you and your family and how to easily and cheaply replace them with safe, divine-smelling and healthy alternatives.
Commercial cleaning brands full of:
SLS (sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate),
Instead, use:
Essential oils
Organic oils
Commercial skincare brands, full of:
SLS (sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate)
Instead, use:
Essential oils
Organic oils and fats
Leucidal liquid
Vitamin E
BPA and other “safe plastics”
Glass and ceramics
Stainless steel
Room fresheners
Sonic diffuser and essential oils
Commercial make-up brands
Safe, organic brands
All recipes are free of:
What you get:
Recipe book with 140+ hormone balancing recipes (PDF and physical book*)
*May take 2-3 weeks to arrive
[/three_fourth_last]Hormone Balancing Infusions
Nettle Infusion
Liver Love Tea
Fertility Tea
Hormone Balancing Lattes & Chais
Ashwaganda Latte
Hormone Balancing Chai
(2 Ways)
Golden Milk
Inspired Drinks & Smoothies
Lemon Balm Lemonade
Pineapple Mint and
Parsley Smoothie
Turmeric and Ginger Smoothie
Nourishing Soups & Broths
Adrenal Support Broth
Carrot Ginger
and Turmeric Soup
Dandelion Miso Soup
Salads & Vegetables
Mineral Rich Seaweed Salad
Roasted Artichokes
Carrot Ginger Miso Salad
Healing Condiments
Cilantro Pesto
Seed Butter
Immune Boost Herbal Vinegar
Body Care
Vanilla Coffee Body Scrub
Detoxing Foot Soak
Whipped Body Butter
Hair Care
Cleansing Clay Shampoo
Hair Re-growth Formula
Herbal Conditioning Rinse
Facial & Lip Care
Honey Cream Lip Gloss
Natural Lipstick
Anti-Wrinkle Oil
Healing Salves, Creams & Lotions
Magnesium Cream
Pain Relief Cream
Anti-Cellulite Balm
Dental Care
Oil Pulling with Neem
Mineral Tooth Powder
Frankincense & Myrrh Mouthwash
And more!
Hormone Balancing
Foods & Herbs Wheel (PDF and printed poster*)
*Only for purchases made within 48 hours, will take 14 days to arrive.
Instructional Video Library
Learning gets so much easier when you see how it’s done.
Seemingly difficult recipes like body creams and salves get debunked in minutes with these highly educational and beginner-friendly video classes.
[/three_fourth_last]Cleansing Clay Shampoo
Honey Cream Lip Gloss
Ashwaganda Latte
All-PurposeHouse Cleaner
Irritable Bowel Infusion
Chai Turmeric Toothpaste
Pain Relief Cream
PMS Aromatherapy
Slippery Elm Balls
And many more!
Lectures on hormones and herbs
Get access to 8 modules to learn about plant allies supporting:
[/three_fourth_last]Module #1
Gut Healing
Module #2
Liver Detoxification
Module #3
Sugar Balance
Module #4
Adrenal Recovery
Module #5
Thyroid Revival
Module #6
Peri and Menopause (Low Estrogen)
Module #7
Estrogen Dominance (High Estrogen)
Module #8
In-Out Detox Guide
Replace toxic hormone-disrupting chemicals with easy homemade solutions
Online Support
Get Support and Ask Questions in Our Vibrant Community
As a community, we:
- support and encourage each other
- get inspiration from success stories
- ask questions to get clarity and confidence
- cook and make things together
But wait!
I can get all the recipes online for free!
Yes, that is true. Unfortunately, many of them do not work. You waste of time, energy and money on recipes that are un-tested or amateurish.
I have therefore partnered with two professionals; a skincare formulator and an herbalist to ensure that the recipes not only work but are hormone relevant.
Meet Amber Graziano
A certified herbalist and nutritionist, teacher, writer, and lover of plants. She has earned her certificate in clinical herbalism and nutrition from the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. You can find her teaching classes across Colorado on a variety of interests including; Introductory Herbalism & Medicine Making, Mineral Make Up, Bitters & Cocktails, Hair Care, Medicinal Mushrooms, Botanical Body Care Products and more. When she’s not whipping up batches of herbal recipes in her kitchen or continuing to learn about medicinal plants, Amber is spending time with her loving husband and sweet dog dancing to local music and sharing in the joy of the Rocky Mountains.
Meet Michelle Lyons
The herbalist and women’s health educator.
Michelle is a clinical educator on women’s health, an herbalist, a physical therapist and a pelvic health expert. When she is not on the road lecturing at countless women’s health conferences, she enjoys life in rural Ireland with menagerie of her animals her well stocked bookcases.
Meet Magdalena Wszelaki
The host, curator and hormonal expert.
Magdalena is the founder of Hormones Balance, a successful online nutrition practice dedicated to helping women rebalance hormones naturally with food and herbs.
Q: Can I refund the purchase?
Because this is a mega deal and the $57 only covers our printing and shipping costs, there is no refund with this offer. If you follow us for a while you know that our programs are high quality and help women who apply the teachings.
Q: Can I do the program while on bio-identical hormones?
Q: Where do I get all the ingredients?
Q: Can I get the ingredients where I live?
Q: Can I use it with my whole family?
Q: Which hormonal imbalances does Herbs for Balance help?
Three additional modules focus on the digestion, liver support and sugar balance – the pillars of hormonal health.
Q: When can I start the program?
Q: How long will I have access for?
Q: How do I get the printed book and posters?
Q: I’ve got lots going in my life right now. Can I get the program later?
If you think you will enjoy the Quick Action bonuses (especially the printed book and poster), think about getting the program now to take advantage of them (most people do that) and then dive into the program when your life settles down a little.
Q: What is the size of the poster?
Q: Are the herbs used in the program suitable for women in perimenopause or menopause?
Q: Can this program help me if I had a full/partial hysterectomy or mastectomy?
Q: Is it safe to take these herbs when I’m taking bio-identical hormones such as thyroid, estrogen or progesterone?
Q: Is it safe to take the herbs when I’m on birth control pills?
Q: What if I don’t have the time to make the recipes?
As for skincare recipes, if you prefer to purchase them ready-made, I’ve created the Safe & Clean Brands GUIDE that is available for the Quick Action participants (who join within the next 48 hours).
Q: Are the herbs used in the program suitable for pregnant and lactating women?
Q: Is it cheaper to make some of the recipes than buying ready-made?
Q: My lotion/shampoo/soap/cream label says “organic.” Is it safe?
Many chemicals are added even to organic brands without being fully tested (yes, the USDA and the FDA allow that) so you don’t really know what you are putting on your body.
- Unlike food, the body care and cosmetics industries are almost entirely not regulated. Therefore, when you see “organic” on the label it is at the sole discretion of the manufacturer.
- To responsibly use the “organic” label, the Soil Association requires manufacturers to use 95% organic products excluding water. This is just a guideline which some follow and others do not.
- Bottom line: To be 100% sure what you put on your skin (of which 60% will get absorbed to your body), it is therefore best to learn to make (at least some) of the skincare products.