April 25th, 2017 | Posted By: Magdalena Wszelaki | Posted in Adrenals, Anti-Candida, Articles, Estrogen Dominance, Menopause, PCOS, Thyroid

How the Gut Bacteria Are The Boss Of Your Hormones



What you will discover: 

  • Gut health and gut bacteria are the most overlooked elements of hormonal balance (includes menopause, thyroid issues, estrogen excess).
  • The microbiome is now considered an endocrine organ, some consider it even more powerful than the other endocrine glands – it controls the production and inhibit or support hormonal balance.
  • You can’t get far in your healing if you don’t fix the gut microbiome.
  • Kiran covers how bacteria impact these hormones: serotonin (and its role), dopamine (and its role), norephinephrine.
  • Correlation of between the gut microbiome and depression.
  • How the gut bacteria impact estrogens (hint: the gut produces all three estrogens), promotes the levels of estriol (aka E3, the protective estrogen) and helps with reducing symptoms of menopause and osteoporosis.
  • Impact of the bacteria on the estrobolome which detoxifies us from the harmful estrogen – these estrogens are the main cause of breast cancers, breast lumps.
  • We have all the bacteria we need, the issue is how much of each to create a balanced ecosystems – the Megasporebiotics help suppress harmful bacteria and regrowth of underrepresented positive bacteria.
  • Spore bacteria also suppress the inflammation in the gut and closes the walls of the gut.
  • Progesterone is also produced in the micro biome which then signals when and how much to produce.
  • Menopause – the microbiome (and sporebiotics) can help produce estriol (E3) which alleviates menopause symptoms.
  • One dose of broad spectrum antibiotics can decrease the gut bacteria by up to 90%! Megasporebiotics help with the re-growth of the positive bacteria (take Megasporebiotics if you must take antibiotics).
  • How the spores help bring down the TPO Hashimoto’s antibodies – currently studied based on patient stories.
  • Bottom line: The key to balanced hormones is a healthy gut with a wide range of bacterial microflora.



Megasporebiotics FAQs

Previous video “How I overcame gluten, dairy and egg sensitivities”

24 Comments to How the Gut Bacteria Are The Boss Of Your Hormones

  1. I watched the video and got very enthusiastic about Megasporebiotics and THEN discover I can’t get them shipped to U.K.!

    • HI Sally,

      Yes, it is there. You will have to locate a practitioner that is selling it.

  2. In the video you said you would post the links to the studies. I am not seeing them.

  3. If the microbiome makes progesterone naturally, how come our company MD suggested all ladies who reach 40 years of age to take progesterone cream in limited quantity. So since then I have been taking progesterone cream in 1/2 tsp. per day but a DC later said standard suggests reducing it to 1/4 tsp so I did. I use Emerita Pro-Gest paraben-free with black cohosh. Is this cream really needed for life? I am 65. yrs. old now. I also take their estrogen cream in small dose externally applied to skin.

    • Hi Tina,

      We cannot comment on other products or what your company MD stated. Some people do well without any bio-identicals. This supplement has helped many ladies with gut balance. ~Deanna HB Team

    • Hello there. I enjoyed the video and watch him speak on other topics too. My estrogen is 222 and I know it has been climbing over the past 3 years and doctor’s did not prescribe anything. Does one have to use a suppliment like DIM or other natural products to remove the excess apart from Megasporebiotics or that is it capable of removing them from the liver?

  4. How long does it take to work? I’ve been using for a few weeks now and don’t feel any different.

  5. I’m wondering if I can buy only one bottle instead of 6? I do not want to spend so much without knowing how my body responds to the product, Please let me know if this is possible.

  6. Could you share Kirin’s full name, institution, and credentials, please? He is clearly an important investigator in the microbiome field and I would love to follow his work!

  7. […] Fermented tea, including pu’er, seems to alter the balance of the gut microbiome in favor of bacteroidetes while reducing numbers of firmicutes. This indicates potential in lessening markers for metabolic syndrome (the precursor to type II diabetes) and weight gain. Less fat means fewer estrogen-producing fat cells. And as we know, gut bacteria are the boss of your hormones. […]

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