September 22nd, 2016 | Posted By: Magdalena Wszelaki | Posted in Anti-Candida, Desserts, Recipes | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe

During a Candida cleanse, a craving for sweet desserts may often arise. To meet this need for something sweet while still sticking to the strict Candida diet guidelines, I have developed this chocolate avocado pudding that is smooth and creamy, and is solely sweetened by stevia, vanilla extract, coconut butter and coconut flakes.  To learn more about Candida causes, symptoms, and diagnosis, check out my recent post here.

Avocado, which are incredibly nutritious and contain plenty of heart-healthy mono-saturated fatty acids, is the main ingredient in this recipe. The second most important ingredient is unsweetened cocoa powder, which helps to give us a boost of magnesium and the delicious taste of decadent chocolate. The rest of the ingredients, including coconut butter, stevia, vanilla extract and toasted coconut flakes give the pudding a slight sweetness, without being overly sweet.

This amazing chocolate avocado pudding is not only delicious and helps to satisfy any cravings for dessert during a Candida cleanse, it is also quick to bring together and only requires only 15 minutes of hands on time and the use of a food processor or blender. If you’re craving something sweet today, you really should make this chocolate pudding right now.

Get more delicious healing recipes and learn how to rebalance your hormones with food in my book, Cooking for Hormone Balance.

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Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe for Anti-Candida

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 2
  • 2 large avocados (or 4 small avocados), cut into small pieces
  • 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 4 tablespoons coconut butter
  • 6 drops liquid stevia, or more to taste
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup water, or more if pudding is too thick
  • Toasted coconut flakes, for garnishing
How To Make
  1. Place the cut avocados in the bowl of your blender or food processor and process until you get a smooth avocado puree.
  2. Add in unsweetened cocoa powder, coconut butter, liquid stevia, and pure vanilla extract and process until combined. It may be necessary to scrape down the sides of the blender every once in a while.
  3. If the pudding is too thick, add in one tablespoon of water at a time until it can be processed well enough. You should get a smooth chocolate pudding. Divide the chocolate avocado pudding evenly into two serving glasses chill for at least two hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Serve the chocolate avocado pudding with toasted coconut flakes.

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe Ingredients

anti-candida, dessert, chocolate, avocado, pudding, low sugar

11 Comments to Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe

    • Hi R Satten,

      It will change the flavor and consistency. You may have to use less if you are using the oil. Please let us know how it goes if you try this. ~Deanna HB Team

  1. The taste was great but the coconut butter made it too gritty for my liking. I think coconut cream would work nicely instead. Also, some almond extract would add nice flavor. Thank you for the recipe!

    • Hi Cristin,
      Thank you for sharing your modifications with us 🙂
      ~Deanna HB Team

  2. I make something similar, but I use avocado oil, instead of coconut butter, since I can’t tolerate coconut. It works really well and makes it creamy.

    • That’s great! We love to hear the substitutions that people try. Thank you for sharing this with us. ~HB Support.

  3. Tara if you are doing Candida you would need to use ghee not butter. Ghee is clarified butter. But that’s only if u follow Candida cleanse/lifestyle

  4. Would love to make this im just starting my candida diet is it safe to make this if I’m only starting the diet?, im scared to use unsweetened cocoa just in case it is to early to introduce in my cooking. Would you suggest that this is safe for me to make in early days of Candida diet. So many people are talking about stages in the diet.
    Thank you

    • Hi Amy, yes you can make this already. Unsweetened cocoa is a safe food for any point during candida diet cleanses. Its the sugar that you would not want which is why we sweeten this with stevia. So go ahead and enjoy! ~HB Support

  5. I found that a pinch of salt really cuts that stevia bitterness and made my mouth happier😊. I wish you all success in killing off candida and still enjoying your food!

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