April 1st, 2016 | Posted By: Magdalena Wszelaki | Posted in Estrogen Dominance, Menopause, PCOS, Recipes, Teas, Drinks & Tonics | Tagged ,

Chasteberry Tea to Alleviate PMS and Menopause Symptoms


I just attended an herbal workshop and was blown away with the potency of chasteberry.

The chaste tree is a small shrub that produces peppery-tasting fruit that has long been known for its hormone-balancing properties.

The name “chasteberry” dates back to the Greek physician Dioscorides who recommended it to help the wives of soldiers remain chaste while their husbands were in battle.

For Both Menstruating and Menopausal Women (and Those in Between, Too)

In large amounts, chasteberry can suppress sexual drive. In lower doses, it can be a great tonic for both menstruating and menopausal women.

The American Family Physician reports that in menstruating women, chasteberry has been historically used to treat uterine bleeding, painful menstruation, breast discomfort, infertility and amenorrhea (a lack of menstruation).

In Germany, where many doctors prefer to prescribe plants and herbs such as chasteberry over pharmaceuticals, it has been used for “luteal phase disorders” which typically results from low progesterone levels.

Chasteberry contains naturally occurring progestins which explains its efficacy and ability to offset the work of the antagonistic estrogen (aka estradiol).

The German Clinic of Diagnostics in Wiesbaden states: “The risk/benefit ratio of the new Vitex preparation can be rated as very good, with significant efficacy for all aspects of the multifaceted and inhomogeneous clinical picture of PMS, with a safety profile comparable to other Vitex preparations.”

There are less studies on the ability to eliminate or lessen hot flashes in women with menopause but anecdotally speaking, I’ve worked with many such women who swore by chasteberry.

The studies I quoted above state that the symptoms improve after 3 months of using chasteberry. I’ve seen many women feeling better much sooner than that.

Learn how to add more hormone-balancing ingredients to your meals with our FREE 15 Breakfasts to Rebalance Your Hormones guide here.

How Do You Add Chasteberry to Your Life and Diet?

Yes, you can always go the supplement way. But, if you want to save some money and make this peppery berry a part of a daily routine, there are two options:

1). Start with ½ teaspoon of chasteberry powder (my favorite if from Mountain Rose Organics) which you can add to your smoothies.

2). Make a chasteberry tea from the berries (you can get them here).

If you like it, make larger quantities of it using the proportions shown in the recipe. As always, feel free to experiment and modify the recipe to please your palate. In the past, I played with this recipe by adding crushed cardamon pods or vanilla powder.

Who should NOT use chasteberry: Vitex berry is not recommended for women who use hormonal contraceptives, anti-psychotic drugs or Parkinson’s medicines. It may also interact with drugs that affect the pituitary gland.

Chasteberry and Rose Tea
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 2
  • 1 tablespoon rose petals (where to buy)
  • 1 teaspoon whole chaste tree berry, crushed (use a grinder or pestle and mortar) (where to buy)
  • 1 teaspoon hibiscus flowers (where to buy)
  • 1 teaspoon crushed star anise, about one star
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon chips (where to buy)
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup, honey, coconut nectar or 1 drop of stevia
How To Make
  1. Steep all the herbs and spices for 10 minutes in 4 cups of hot water, add the sweetener and enjoy hot or cold.
CFHB Cookbook CTA

In my cookbook, Cooking For Hormone Balance, you’ll find over 125 easy, delicious recipes to nourish your body and balance your hormones without calorie restriction or deprivation.

All of the recipes are based on 20 hormone-supporting superfoods and 20 hormone-supporting super herbs—with modifications for Paleo, Paleo for Autoimmunity (AIP), anti-Candida, and low-FODMAP diets.

You can get a copy of the cookbook here.

45 Comments to Chasteberry Tea to Alleviate PMS and Menopause Symptoms

  1. Do you know what would happen if one were to drink this tea while on hormonal contraceptives? I would like to try this tea, but am worried about ceasing the use of pills… I am new to this website and know nothing about hormones…

    • Hi Erin,
      It is not recommended to use it while on BCP (mentioned also in the article).

    • Hello Erin. I know exactly how you feel – being scared of what is going to happen if you stop taking the pills. Yes, I do look for new natural solutions all the time that can help make my life easier. It is a painful journey but it needs patience, positivity and research. If you have easy access to a doctor, please do consult. I stopped taking contraceptives early this year (February 2023) because I was tired of consuming yet not knowing what the long term effects would be. I also have extra help through taking pms vitamins (with natural ingredients) while drinking natural teas. Take the chance if you are willing and remember that that stabilization of your hormones might take 2-3 months (while observing). Just to shed some light – I do get intense pain sometimes but only on the first day and sometimes they are mild. I realize I am grateful for that. I hope this helps in some way.

  2. I had an unpleasant reaction to chasteberry taken in a capsule form. For me the result was quite the opposite to what I was trying to achieve. My pain during periods greatly increased and what’s annoying it came at night as oppose to the day time I would usually get it. At least during the day I can sense it coming and take some painkillers. But after starting chasteberry the pain would strike at night greater than ever before making me double in agony. I’ve read that chasteberry can temporarily increase blood flow etc but can it increase pain? I was taking it for 3 months and each month the pain during periods was much much worse than ever before. Once I stopped taking it, the pain returned to normal levels and time of day. I also felt like my private parts were swolen while I was taking it. Very weird. Perhaps it’s just not for me.

    • I also had an unpleasant reaction to the vitex supplement. I was hoping it would help increase my progesterone and prolong my cycle. But instead, it just made me spot all cycle long (a strange, grey spotting. weird!)

      I was wondering if I tried it in a lower dose if maybe it could still help but without the spotting. I’m trying to find out how potent the chaste berries are in the tea, versus in capsule form. Would you happen to know? Thanks in advance!

  3. Hi Dila,
    You are right, that does not sound as though you should continue. We appreciate you sharing your experience.

  4. I would like to try this but have a good sensitivity to black and white pepper. Do you think it would be ok?

  5. Within a week of taking chasteberry i lose my libido completly! I even tried to take a half dose but still the same . Not good for me!

  6. Just made this (without the hibiscus) and it is delicious! My hope is that it will even out my hormones and mood. Fingers crossed!

    • Hi Ruth, Chasteberry is an amazing herb. Give it a few weeks and use it consistently for best results.

    • At 47 I still have very painful periods for the first 2 days. I have done a lot of gut health work incl intolerance tests and I take b6 and mag and probiotics. Will be glad when the menopause hits and ends x

  7. Is chaste berries helpful for endometriosis and if so how often should I drink the tea

  8. I made this tea and it’s so tasty! I enjoy it warm and cold. What is the recommended daily consumption of this tea since in high doses it can lessen your libido. (Don’t want that!) Thank you! Xo

    • Hi Gillian,

      If you are having this tea, you can have one cup a day. Chasteberry does take time to see full impact, So, it is good to stick with it for at least three months before deciding if it is working for you. If you are taking it in supplement form, please see what your practitioner recommends on this. ~Deanna HB Team

    • Hello and thanks for this great information.
      I’ve been diagnosed with fibroid but at early stage and I would like to know if this tea can help me get rid of it totally?

  9. Thanks for posting this recipe! I was looking for a long time for a recipe using the berries. Do you know if the raw berries can be used in the same does? Or should I dry them first? Also if I don’t have mortar and pestle can I just crush the raw berries before I make the tea?

    • Please Can chaste Tree Berries be use after ovulation or should I ask what time of the month is best to use chaste Tree Berries for fertility treatment. Thank you

      • The luteal phase is often when women utilize this herb. However, some women also take the herb throughout the month. For more individualized recommendations on medicinal dosages of this herb, it may be best to make an appointment with a clinical herbalist.
        Here is an excellent tool to find an herbalist near you.

        Healthy Regards,
        HB Team

  10. Hi
    My name is Christelle
    Could you please help me I have not seen my period for a year and I have been diagnosed earlier menaupose.
    Could you please advice me some infusion

  11. How much chaste berries should you use if you’re only drinking 1 cup? I wanted to make individual tea bags for this. I have the dried berries not the powder. Will I have to crush them too? Thank you.

    • Hi Jess,

      This recipe serves 2 using 4 cups of water, so for a single serving (2 cups water) you would use 1/2 teaspoon crushed chaste tree berry. If you just want to use 1 cup of water, you would use 1/4 teaspoon crushed chaste tree berry. The dried berries should offer the same benefits in individual tea bags as the crushed berries when steeped.

      – HB Team

  12. Hi, Vitex extract can be used in replacement as long as you are looking into the quality, production and company of the extract you purchase from. Great idea. ~HB Support.

  13. I’ve not been having my menses regularly for some years now. I was first diagnosed of ovarian cyst and later learnt my prolactin is high. Can I use chaste leaves for tea and the dried seeds?

  14. Hi Sessie, yes the fruit, leaves and seeds can be used in tea for hormonal benefit. ~HB Team

  15. How often is it recommended to drink this tea – every day, or only before/during the rough phase?

    • Hi Tessa, you would drink this everyday to get the most hormone balancing benefits. ~HB Team

  16. Did anybody use the product fresh from their own tree? I just purchased one well because they are beautiful and the tea is supposed to be good and I love tea. Way past caring about my libido!!🤣🤣

  17. Hi. The recipe calls for 4 cups of water, but what is considered a “serving?” How many cups per day would you think would be advised. I realize you can’t “prescribe,” but obviusly no onei sdrinking 4 cups of this in a sitting.

  18. When you say “start with a half tsp” of chasteberry powder, do you mean per day? Is it possible to say how much progestins or progesterone that’s equivalent to?

    • Hi Sarah, Yes, you can use a half tsp per day. We can’t say exactly how much progesterone that would add, or is equivalent to. I hope that helps. Best – Jennifer @HB Support

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