This is so fast to make and is so nutritious, you’ll love me for this.
Turns out, collard greens beat even broccoli, chard and brussels sprouts when it comes to overall health benefits. Collard greens excel at: (a) detoxing your liver, (b) adding antioxidants, and (c) lowering the inflammatory conditions of your body.
There is a surprising link between the health of the liver and hormone imbalance in women.
All crucifers (such as collard greens) contain an active compound called DIM which is a short form for di-indolyl-methylate, a key substance in the glutathionylation and sulphation detoxification pathways. On your journey to balance your hormones naturally, it is recommended to incorporate 2 to 3 servings of crucifers per day.
For those with thyroid conditions, you need to stop worrying – cooking deactivates most of the thyroid-inhibiting agent. You stand to benefit more from eating them than not eating them.
You do not want to overcook the collard greens as they will then smell of sulfur. So, keep the steaming to no more than 5 minutes.
Learn how to add more hormone-balancing ingredients to your meals with our FREE 15 Breakfasts to Rebalance Your Hormones guide here.
- One bunch of collard greens
- ⅛ cup olive oil
- 1 lemon, juice of
- 1 tbsp of sesame seeds
- Salt and pepper
- Seaweed, like wakame (optional)
- Wash and cut the collard greens into 1.5 inch ribbons (cut out the stem).
- Place in a steam basket and steam for no more than 5 mins.
- If using wakame seaweed, soak it for 5-10 mins (follow instructions).
- Combine olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper into a dressing.
- Toast sesame seeds on a pan, being careful not to burn them.
- Pour dressing over collard greens and add the sesame seeds and seaweed.

In my cookbook, Cooking For Hormone Balance, you’ll find over 125 easy, delicious recipes to nourish your body and balance your hormones without calorie restriction or deprivation.
All of the recipes are based on 20 hormone-supporting superfoods and 20 hormone-supporting super herbs—with modifications for Paleo, Paleo for Autoimmunity (AIP), anti-Candida, and low-FODMAP diets.
You can get a copy of the cookbook here.
I would love to try this. However, im slightly confused because I was told collard greens were a goitrogenic food and that I should avoid those foods since I have a thyroid problem. Is it all about moderation?
Cooking any goiterous veggies reduces their thyroid-inhibiting properties in 70%. So in moderation they are ok.
Oil is bad just steam your veggies in water foo’ 🙂
Olive oil is good for you. Read up on it
You don’t steam the collards in oil. You use a little bit of oil as dressing, and olive oil is healthy.