A path to reversing hypothyroidism
I’ve come to accept the fact that the management of my health will always be a journey and not a destination. If you are familiar with the Buddhist way of life, you are probably smiling. And, if you not – in short, it just means embracing life as it unfolds, treating it with appreciation, kindness and forgiveness rather than be solely focused on a specific goal. Because the reality is: we lose ourselves in the pursuits of a goal, never live in the present, never appreciate what we have and once we reach the destination/goal, we are still not happy and we want more.
This is a very personal blog post that details the challenges and steps I have taken in the past year on my continuous journey of healing. It might be specific to me but I have a feeling that many of you will find yourselves in my tales, too.
It all started with a hair loss in 2010.
By 2010, after two years of dietary and lifestyle changes which I talk about here, my thyroid started doing much better. By “better” I mean: my TPO antibodies dropped, I was no longer fatigued, had no more heart palpitation and these terrifying anxiety attacks. My mood improved, I felt like being social and kind to people again. I say “again”, as this was not the case when I lived in Shanghai, China when my health was at its worse.
But, now my hair started falling out – a symptom I did not experience earlier. So it felt like managing my thyroid was a moving goal and a rather mysterious one as all lab work proved to be OK. An integrated doctor in Seattle (where I lived in 2010) told me that I was the “healthiest person he had seen in a long time”. That was not helpful, to say the least.
I then moved to NYC and one of the first things I tasked myself with was to find a good physician who was willing to run the tests I request and who understood the peripheral body systems that can impact the thyroid and my hair loss.
Hair loss is a sign that there is some imbalance going on in the body.
The easiest thing to look at first were vitamin and mineral deficiencies so I went down that path – zinc, calcium, more meat proteins, biotin, iron and silica. Yup, did them all and still had no results. Out of desperation, I even went on Cytomel (synthetic T3) for three months. It temporarily helped but it stopped working after two months and the hair loss came back.
Finally, I found a doctor who ran a battery of tests; including DHT (di-hydro testosterone), cortisol, heavy metal panels and my estrogen levels.
Verdict: heavy metal toxicity, estrogen dominance and overactive adrenals.
I had high levels of mercury and lead both in my urine (indicator for past exposure) and blood (indicator for current exposure). This was hardly surprising as I had a mouth full of old amalgam fillings, lived in China for over four years where I fearlessly ate seafood and fish – partly in denial and partly in ignorance.
It’s the second diagnosis, estrogen dominance, is what threw me off. Me? Estrogen dominance? I’ve not been on birth control pills for years, I eat clean food, I don’t use plastics at home, I select clean skin care products and I exercise regularly. How can it be?
I still remember watching one of the great health/self-healing/alternative medicine documentaries on Netflix that featured a woman diagnosed with breast cancer who said “I was the annoyingly healthy person. I never ate crap. I never fell sick. I never had a weight problem. Breast cancer was the worse thing God could ever punish me with.” I heard and felt every word she uttered.
In case you do not know this, estrogen dominance is the leading cause of breast cancers and osteoporosis in women. It can also contribute to autoimmune diseases and both Graves’ and Hashimoto’s fall into this group.
My estrogen dominance was diagnosed based on a simple blood test called the 2:16 Hydroxyestrone Ratio (more details below).
What does it mean to have estrogen dominance?
I am going to borrow the explanation from Dr.Dan Lukaczer, N.D., who is director of clinical research at the Functional Medicine Research Center. He explains it so eloquently:
“In premenopausal women, the ovaries produce the estrogen estradiol (E2), which converts into estrone (E1), both of which must eventually be broken down and excreted from the body. This breakdown occurs primarily in the liver, and the excreted metabolites flow out in the bile or urine. Estradiol and estrone undergo this breakdown through a process called hydroxylation. (…)
What makes an estrogen good or bad? That has to do with the biological activity, or potency, of that estrogen. Estrogens are important in a host of cellular activities that affect growth and differentiation in various target cells. This is normal and beneficial, but too much estrogenic stimulation can have a negative effect.
Therefore, properly metabolizing and excreting estrogens is crucial. If these estrogens are metabolized into the 2-hydroxylated estrone and estradiol, they lose much of their cell proliferative and estrogenic activity and are termed “good” estrogen metabolites. Studies show that when 2-hydroxylation increases, the body resists cancer, and that when 2-hydroxylation decreases, cancer risk increases.”
This was a humbling experience. After all, I teach people how to live clean, yet, I’m a perfect candidate for breast cancer now? Losing hair was just the onset of the bigger storm that was to come.
Can you see yourself in this? You eat well, you exercise, you don’t drink Diet Coke…
So many of you write to me and say “I’m eating so well, I exercise, I try not to be stressed and I’m still not 100%. What is going on?”
And this is what I mean by my own health and healing being a journey. It’s not about the thyroid anymore, at least not for me. My thyroid numbers are and were perfect (apart from the TPO antibodies). It often can be about the peripheral body systems that are impacting you, too.
You know what I love about it? Every crisis makes me dive deep into understanding what is going on and WHY is it happening.
Of course, the next step for anybody with a Type A personality is to dive into action. Yup, that’s me. Embrace it and battle it. Head on.
So I did.
How do I reverse adrenal imbalance, estrogen dominance and heavy metal toxicity?
First stop: the internet.
A bad idea. A very bad idea.
Do you remember when you first got diagnosed and googled “hashimoto’s”, “hyperthyroid” or “hypothyroidism” and got millions (literally) of pages coming up? You suddenly found yourself in a jungle of information; overwhelmed and confused with all the contradictory information. Not to mention the supplements and magic pills each website promises to heal you with.
This was my path too. Google “heavy metal detoxification” or “estrogen dominance” and see what you get. I wanted to cry and my heart started pounding as I didn’t know where to start and who to trust. And believe me, I’ve learned over the years what are my credible go-to sources.
My action plan to healing.
So I took a deep breath and slowly, over the next few weeks, I came up up with an action plan. Which read:
- Get rid of the heavy metals
- Remove all my amalgam fillings.
- Support my liver.
- Have a solid liver detox in place supporting the Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification process
- Re-balance my estrogen levels
- Internally: again, support my liver and especially the methylation and sulphication pathways of the liver as they excrete mutated estrogens.
- Externally: diligently get rid of any xenoestrogens (sythetic version of estrogens) found in my house cleaning products, skin care, cosmetics and perfumes.
- Address my elevated cortisol level
So I got to work.
Step #1. Removed the biggest source of mercury: my amalgam fillings.
First stop: in January 2013, I had all my 6 amalgam fillings removed by a holistic dentist who specializes in mercury removal. It was expensive ($4,000 for 6 fillings) and in spite of all the precautions she took, I felt terrible for 3 days and slept 14 hours each day. But, I recovered from this fatigue soon after that.
Step #2. Started juicing daily.
I dusted off my juicer (well, not really, but actually started using it every day) and started juicing vegetables that are known to cleanse the liver. No raw cruciferous veggies here, though.
Step #3. Upped the cruciferous vegetables.
Here is a great opportunity for me to finally address why I’m one of these crazy thyroid experts who recommends [in moderation] cruciferous vegetables. In case you don’t know what they are; it’s the brassica (or cabbage) family of goodness like kale, broccoli, chards, spinach, cauliflower, etc. In their raw form, they are known to slow down the thyroid and this is why, as thyroid patients, we should consume them in a cooked form. Many websites and writers have an obsessive tendency to view nutrition in black and white and recommend for people with thyroid conditions to cut them out completely. I don’t agree with this approach – most of my clients eat cooked cruciferous veggies in moderation and heal well.
Why I like cruciferous vegetables? They are the superstars of the vegetables; there are no other veggies that are as rich in Vitamin A carotenoids, Vitamin C, folic acid, Vitamin K (which regulate our inflammatory responses – very common in people with autoimmune conditions) and fiber. As it is, most people are nutritionally depleted and rely heavily on supplements which they don’t even absorb properly – so why deprive your body of this wonderful nutrients?
In my own journey since January 2013 till today, I’ve added at least 1-2 servings of cooked cruciferous vegetables per day. In fact, if you see my result below, my TSH dropped from 1.02 to 0.82 which is most certainly not a sign of going hypo.
In the liver detoxification protocol, I used the cruciferous vegetables because they are key in the Phase 2 process and specifically the glutathione pathway which gets rid of heavy metals, PCBs (endocrine disruptors) and pathogenic bacteria in the liver.
Step #4. Did a major liver detox.
Knowing that the liver is largely responsible for the neutralization and elimination of mutated and excess hormones like thyroid and estrogen, I embarked on a highly tailor-made liver detoxification protocol. Even though I’ve lived a very clean life for the past 7 years, it appeared that there are still residual burdens that inhibit the liver from detoxing our body properly.
If you wonder what are the symptoms of a sluggish liver, read this post. It’s key to your healing to understand the Phase 1 and Phase 2 part as well as the different detoxification pathways that will help you get back on your feet.
Step #5. Added an amino-acid protocol.
I got on a strict protocol of a combination of amino acids that help the liver pathways in detoxifying the mutated hormones, including thyroid and estrogen.
Step #6. Minimal supplements.
If you know me well, you know I’m not a fan of these, for many reasons. So I limited them to only two things: passionflower extract and an estro blocker.
Step #7. De-stressing to reduce my cortisol levels.
I was pretty aware that a romantic relationship I was in was going south and it had a big impact on my stress levels. I also took on too many work projects which we were depleting me.
Solution? I walked away from the relationship (very hard at first but it felt so much lighter later) and went back to doing a 20-minute meditation every morning to start the day on the right foot. I also frequently carve some time out and sit in silence and just breathe whenever I find myself overwhelmed, annoyed or just having a racing mind.
I also cut out my habitual morning espresso and switched to matcha green tea. Adrenals hate coffee and sugar.
I did not go for any adaptogens many practiotioners prescribe to patients with adrenal fatigue or overactive adrenals.
So I just got back from the doctor’s office who is totally on board with the madness of tests I wanted him to run (I love this kind of doctor – works with you in partnership and does not get intimidated by you knowing a bit about your own body) and he said to me: “How did you do it?”
“What did I do?” – me, confused.
“Your numbers look really good” – him, smiling.
We all like to see a person smile and this smile was different.
I kind of knew that something has shifted in my own body over the past few months.
- My hair loss stopped and I started having lots of baby hair growing back. Like a little orang utan.
- My PMS is totally gone – even in my good days I always had a bit of a mood dip not noticeable to others but me. Now I feel n.o.t.h.i.n.g.
- My periods are painless and I do not get bloated at all. And yes, this is yet another symptoms of estrogen dominance even though we’ve grown to accept it as a “norm” of every woman’s menstrual reality.
- These darn 7 strands of hair under my chin and rather dark hair above my lips stopped growing. Facial growth (under your chin and above your lips) are also a sign of estrogen dominance.
All of it is not surprising, as my lab work has significantly improved, namely:
- My TPO antibodies dropped from 138 to 66 (more on that below).
- The marker for estrogen dominance (ED), 2:16 a-Hydroxyestrogen improved from 0.35 to 0.54 which means I no longer have ED.
- My mercury and lead levels dropped to “normal” levels.
- My cortisol levels are mostly in “normal” range, too with a slight elevation at 12.30pm – something to work on.
- My reverse T3 (rT3) dropped significantly – this is another great marker to observe as it’s often elevated due to estrogen dominance and adrenal issues. rT3 acts like T3 but instead of powering you up, it parks itself in the T3 receptors, does nothing and worse still, it blocks the real T3 from coming in and doing its job. T3 is what gives you healthy hair, good skin, energy, clarity of mind, etc.
I scanned my results and highlighted the changes – before and after.
Estrogen Dominance Reduction
Cortisol (Stress Hormone) Reduction
Heavy Metal (Mercury and Lead) Reduction
Reverse T3 Reduction
But, there is more work to be done.
Is it perfect yet? No.
It’s the journey, remember?
Btw, if you are frustrated with your doctor not wanting to order the right tests for you (thyroid, vitamins, minerals, lipids etc), you can do it yourself on Your Lab Work.
I still have to work, what I suspect, is my gut absorbability.
In spite of eating meat 3-4 times per week and taking vit B complex, my B12 is only 348 and I would like it to be in the 800 range as that’s what is recommended by functional medicine for people with autoimmune conditions.
The same thing goes with my Vitmain D levels – in spite of taking perhaps not a high enough dose of fermented cod liver oil, I would like it to go up higher. I suspect it’s the same reason – my gut’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals.
Furthermore, my TPO antibodies, even though lowest ever now at 66, I want to get them down to below 30. This will classify me for being free of Hashimoto’s. Even though I have no symptoms of hypothyroiditis (remember that the hair loss was due to either ED and/or heavy metals not the thyroid), I still want to get them below 30. Because this is my work.
Here is what my next action plan is: test for gluten cross-reactivity. There are foods that may not contain gluten but our body’s immune system labels them as antigens if you have a gluten sensitivity (which I obviously do). The list is a little scary: chocolate, quinoa, rice and hemp seeds are on this list, too. Auch. And, they all happen to be a part of my regular diet. It does not mean that I (or you) have a sensitive to all of them but even eating one of them can be causing digestive disbiosis and hence the absorbability issue.
The challenge is that the state of NY did not license Cyrex Labs, the lab provider to run these tests. What a shame. So I’m currently searching for a practitioner in NJ, CT or MA who can do them. Easier said than done.
If you want a more scientific explanation on gluten cross-reactivity, go to this good source.
What can you do?
- Partner up with a good Doctor – Find a practitioner who you can trust and who can be your partner. Preferably someone who has done this work before and who (preferably) has lived through it herself. We posted a list of good doctor directories here.
- Take action, like Thyroid Detox – All of the plans I talked about above have been incorporated to my step-by-step Thyroid Detox program which is now available as a DIY program and twice a year we run it as a Live program. This year, based on my own journey, we added a very complete and comprehensive program that addresses extensively the process of repairing your gut, cleansing your liver and getting you in a better emotional path. You can check it out here.
I captured some of the comments posted by the participants, you can read them here if you are not sure if the detox is for you.
Be well, have hope and take action to heal.
thank you
Just too much information I think some of this was totally unnecessary
I disagree. You can never have enough information when it comes to health. Especially from someone who has successfully helped themselves.
Thanks for the great info/suggestions. I’ve been diagnosed a Hashi but with little help in best testing practices, etc., so I’m in the hunt for answers to my continuing hair loss and other symptoms such as high very high antibodies, etc., heat intolerance, and others. I appreciate your highly informative posts.
Thank you for all that info!
I had issues with B12 deficiency ( under 200 ) but my nutritionist realised I was taking the wrong form of B12.
I know take B12 Hydroxycobalamin 1mg in sublingual form & my B12 is now over 1,000 in 6 months.
It’s worth getting this checked as if it’s the wrong type of B12 for you then you won’t benefit from it at all.
I was under a neurologist for various seemingly neurological symptoms ( very scary!! ) but they couldn’t find anything obviously wrong so dicharged me. I didn’t think B12 would be the problem as I’d been taking a B12 Complex for some years.
Since taking the right type of B12 & in a sublingual form, all my symptoms have gone!
Just thought it was worth sharing that with you in case that helps you too.
The best thing I did was make friends with my body & start listening to it, so simple & obvious yet we all fail to do it! I stopped being angry at it for me being ill & realised that it was actually trying to help me get well again by alerting me to something being out of balance so allowing me to address it & move forward.
It’s been a long road & I’m still on the journey to well being but far more at ease with the process now.
Your words resonate with me so much so thank you!
Wishing you continuing good health
Paula 🙂
Love your story…am saving it to shownto my “doubting thomas” doctors if i feel the need. My journey has been similar to yours. Three and a half years later, i am feeling much better. Ihave eliminated gluten, most dairy, most sugar, and take supplements for deficiencies that my docs didn’t recommend. TSH is still elevated…i. The 7’s, but all other thryoid tests are normal. Antibodies are now 55. My homeopth recommended naturally fermented foods to help with digestice issues. They help a lot. Seems mu brain fog is highly associated with digestive issues. Also notice my vision is off when my gut is off. Your emails and info are so valuable to many of us. There is much believability of what yu say ebcause yu havebloved it too! Thanks for your info and encouragement.
I have been following Tom’ Brimeyer’s diet since April. It’s called the hypothyroid revolution. It’s all about balancing your sugar as your liver can’t store glycogen. You eat milk, dairy, Greek yogurt, some protein, veggies, butter and coconut oil and fruit. All balanced meals. Salted OJ with non iodized picking salt to decrease cortisol. Water is limited. My labs at the end of June were really good. In fact my functional medical dr said she wouldn’t even know i had Hashimoto’s. I was on iodine until May but when i told her to do a 24 hour urine instead of a spot check my iodine level was 1305. I immediately discontinued the iodine supplement and had my labs redrawn on June 22. My TSH was 1.81, free T4 was 0.9, free T3 was 4.2, total T3 was124, TPA antibodies were 411 from 461 in May and my reverse T3 was 7, ferritin was 20 and 24 hour urine iodine was 489.
So i continued on the diet but increased my progesterone to about 800 mg cream per day and doing the programs progesterone drops because i noticed my sleep got much worse around 3 weeks ago. Also changed from 45 mg of armour to 48.75 mg of naturethroid bc it became available.and it was cheaper. Had been on that before. Also had a very stressful summer with increased responsibilities and tension at church, new granddaughter helping take care of, a lot of travel, son engaged and engagement party in nyc. Started having panic attacks about 1-2 weeks ago.
Just had a phone appointment with functional dr. Labs are way out of whack as compared to end of June. Labs from August 31 were TSH 5.23 , free T4 same, free T3 was 3.0, total T3 was84,TPA was 513, reverse T3 same, 24 hour urine iodine was 1794.
My dr told me to stop the iodine and i told her i wasn’t on it since i discontinued it in early May. She said that she thought the supplements i ordered from the program had iodine in them- i assured her they did not. I am taking vitamin ADK, vitamin B thyroid complex, vitamin e thyro-protect, molecular progesterone complex,pregnenolone, ashwagandha, turmeric, vitamin c, stinging nettle, topical magnesium.
In the last month i started the molecular progesterone, increased the progesterone cream, vitamin e, adk,b complex, pregnenolone. I’ve only been using canning and pickling salt, eat a fair amount of carrots with coconut oil and vinegar, and drinking a good amount of salted oj and eating every 2 hours. Coffee twice a day.balanced with milk and sugar to counter the caffeine.
Sleep is bad. Having increased panic attacks in last 2 weeks probably related to my labs and iodine levels. My dr thinks the increased level of iodine maybe from my diet but it doesn’t make sense as my labs got better 2 months after starting the diet. Not sure what to do. Changed to armour for 2 days now but no significant change. Dr thought maybe i got a bad batch of naturethroid. How can i decrease my iodine levels and get back to where i was? Could increased stress cause my iodine levels to increase ? I’ve heard natural pigs thyroid has iodine in it??? How can i decrease my iodine???Cheryl
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you for being open and sharing your story. If you are seeking support we would be happy to help you. Please feel free to reach out to support@hormonesbalance.com
healthy regards, HB Team
It would be great if you share your liver detox and amino acid protocol
Hey Marta,
You might be interested in checking out this article! https://hormonesbalance.com/articles/how-to-detox-plus-detox-recipes/
Healthy regards, HB Team
Try Elaine Gottschalls book – The Specific Carbohydrate Diet
It is a really good description of how to reboot and mend the gut, Thanks for the interesting blog. Good luck!
this is one of the most informative articles that i have came across so far thank you for sharing your story and experience and also for credibility providing your lab tests really very thankful
I recently consumed a lot of cilantro and had a horrible reaction (in short all of the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity). Those feelings have since subsided, maybe because I later took activated charcoal, maybe just with the passage of time, but I’m still struggling with brain fog. Is this irreversible? If not, how long do you think it will take to correct?
Hi Mandy,
Cilantro is typically safe as a food, however, some people might experience food allergies to cilantro. You also may have been experiencing effects of detox. Have you consumed cilantro since this time?
Healthy regards, HB Team
As an older type A who can relate to your journey, I will give you a heads up for the next part of your journey. I was first diagnosed with hyper in 2006 and a few years later graves. From 2016 to early 2018 it flickered up and down and now it’s Hashimotos. I am now 51 and from 2006 to 2016 I had some of the best health and energy in my life because I tackled my health issues head on and won. Your next issue will be perimenopause or to be precise the latter stages of perimenopause. All my hard work in the past that has worked ard o well suddenly stopped working. See peri menopause or menopause can aggravate a thyroid condition and visa versa. All symptoms of both are aggravated by the other. On the good side people with Hashimotos are less likely to get hot flushes and night sweats. I have never had them but the depression at times can be crippling.. I know you do not like suplements and I agree but In this stage of my life I have found so much relief in bio-identicle hormones. Thanks for your interesting read. Even though I know much of it, I enjoy reading things like this because it confirms that I am doing the right things.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. If you would like further support, please feel free to reach out to support@hormonesbalance.com and we would be happy to be apart of your healing journey.
Healthy regards, HB Team
I’ve been going through something similar that you went through. I’m 21 years old, my hair started falling out in August of 2017 while I was studying abroad in Europe. In January of 2018 I went gluten free, in May of 2018 I stopped drinking anything containing caffeine and changed my diet to a very strict no gluten, dairy or soy. My hair is still falling out to this day however, it stopped coming out in large clumps when I removed caffeine (Red Bull, monster, etc.) from my diet. I make sure to eat all my veggies and enough proteins while also drinking Detox Ultimate Inflam-Reduction Shakes twice a day that my dietician recommenced I go on.
My T-3 was tested and was in the normal range however my doctor wanted it to go up a point or two. My B12 is low so I am on a Vitamin B complex. My cortisol is slightly low in the morning and the evenings so she also put me on the supplement adrenliv to help regulate that. I am borderline deficient. in Pantothenate, choline, inositol, chromium and selenium, so my doctor has put me on a multi vitamin that contains all of those.
I recently just got tested for food allergies so I am waiting for those results to come back. Because of your article I am going to ask my doctor about heavy metal testing and I wanted to ask her about looking into the possibility of auto immune diseases.
I was wondering if you might have any other insights into what may be going on and what I should do/ test for?
Hi Logan,
If you still need support, please feel free to reach out to support@hormonesbalance.com and we would be happy to be apart of your healing journey.
Healthy regards, HB Team
[…] (To ready my full story, go here. To read about the treatments and protocols I did, go here). […]
[…] would require a new article to fully elaborate on my full health journey but for now, I will just share that coffee was a huge antagonist of my own healing path and the […]
Hormone is such a complex, sensitive and individual matter…thank God for your articles…very helpful. I’ve already gone through the list you have based on my findings on Bioresonance tech but the condition after the protocol ,My client that have 4 stage breast cancer is very slow progress. Any suggestions what else i should do?
I am happy to hear that you and your clients have benefited from our articles. You may be interested in checking out this specific article regarding ways to prevent and manager breast cancer. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to support@hormonesbalance.com
Healthy regards, HB Team
[…] Thyroid Diet Reverse Adrenal Fatigue, Hair Loss, Estrogen. – How with Thyroid Diet I Reversed My Recent Adrenal Fatigue, Heavy. of taking perhaps not a high enough dose of fermented cod liver oil, […]
[…] Read my story with heavy metals and hair loss here. […]
I admire your dedication and how you were able to overcome all of this :0
I have Hashimoto but contrary male hormones in dominance androgens testosterone dht. Main Hashimoto diets are focused on estrogen dominance but for me it’s the opposite:(( I don’t know where to start .. so you have any ideas?
Hey Abby!
We would be happy to assist you. Please reach out to support@hormonesbalance.com for further support.
Healthy Regards,
HB Team
I admire your dedication and how you were able to overcome all of this :0
I have Hashimoto but contrary male hormones in dominance androgens testosterone dht. Main Hashimoto diets are focused on estrogen dominance but for me it’s the opposite:(( I don’t know where to start .. so you have any ideas?
If you have Hashimotos (like I had) you ha verge Eppstein Barr virus 🦠 to thank !! I put all of my faith in Medical Medium, Anthony William!! His information was bang on and I’ve been doing his antiviral recommendations for the last two years and have amazing recovery results to prove it
In this article you mention taking only minimal supplements (two) — one of them what you describe as an “estrogen blocker”. May I ask what this was please?
Also we’re you eve recommended to have a partial or total hysterectomy? I’m 53 and have stronger dominance which has unfortunately led to atypical endometrial hyperplasia. The recommendation is a total hysterectomy, but I have insisted first on a diagnostic surgery to actually see what’s going on in my uterus and biopsy everything. I just did that yesterday. I can tell my gynecologist thinks I’m a bit nuts not wanting to get my lady parts cut out like most women, but I’m sure I can balance my hormones out naturally. But it is difficult going against medical advice, they seem so certain and scary. So I just wondered if you had face this, the recommendation to have a hysterectomy.
Thank you ☺️
“Estrogen dominance” not stronger dominance. Text to speech… 🙄
Hi Katie, Magdalena doesn’t not share information on her past medications, but I am happy to help provide some insights for you.
It can be difficult when our practitioners don’t listen, or respect our needs. You are not crazy for wanting to explore different options! If you’re in need of an integrative or functional practitioner to consult with, here is a link that can help you find someone in your local area:
We have seen thousands of women in our community restore hormonal balance through an anti-inflammatory diet, lifestyle change, herbs and supplements. For a complete resource of how to reverse Estrogen Dominance, here is the link to our book. https://overcomingestrogendominance.com/
Lastly, here is an article that you find inspiring to read. https://hormonesbalance.com/articles/avoided-hysterectomy-one-womans-story-stress-nutrition-healing-ovarian-cysts/
For more support, feel free to email us at support@hormonesbalance.com. We’re happy to help in anyway we can. ~HB Support