March 17th, 2020 | Posted By: Magdalena Wszelaki | Posted in Recipes, Teas, Drinks & Tonics

Licorice Root Tea

Brew up a mug of licorice root tea to strengthen your immune system and give your gut a boost.

Brew up a mug of licorice root tea to strengthen your immune system and give your gut a boost.

The Benefits of Licorice Root for Immunity and Gut Health

Licorice root, also known as the sweet root, is a medicinal herb with many benefits. This powerful root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which helps fortify the immune system and helps relieve tummy troubles thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

On top of that, licorice also has an adaptogenic quality, which helps regulate stress hormones like cortisol – countering adrenal fatigue and promoting hormone balance.

Recipe Tips

Since licorice tea is naturally sweet, no additional sweetener is required. However, if you would like to add a variety of flavors to the tea, you can also add a tablespoon of fresh ginger root or even a couple cinnamon sticks while brewing the tea for extra oomph.

Licorice Root Tea
Equipment: Medium pot, strainer
Recipe type: Drinks
Serves: 1 cup
  • 1 teaspoon chopped licorice root (roughly 2.5 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger (optional)
  • 1 cup of water.
How To Make
  1. Combine the licorice root, fresh ginger (optional), and water in a pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Once it comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and allow to simmer for the next 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea and serve.
Caution: Should not be taken during pregnancy. Do not take if you have impaired liver or kidney function, heart disease, or high blood pressure. Excessive consumption of licorice root may lead to potassium depletion and hypertension.

Licorice root, also known as the sweet root, is a medicinal herb with many benefits. This powerful root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which helps fortify the immune system and helps relieve tummy troubles thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Find more hormone-balancing recipes in Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, my goal is to empower and give you the tools to take control of your hormones and health.

More than 70% of women experience estrogen dominance. The symptoms range from lumpy and fibrocystic breasts to thyroid nodules, hot flashes, fibroids, uterine polyps, painful, heavy or irregular periods to infertility and miscarriages, from mood swings to insomnia, weight gain to fatigue.

In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, I give women a roadmap to reverse estrogen dominance using food, herbs, supplements and natural protocols to rebalance hormones. You’ll also find easy, hormone-balancing recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, and nightshades. These recipes are highly anti-inflammatory, low in sugar, and made with powerful medicinal ingredients to help heal your body naturally.

To get your copy of Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, go here.

Did you try this recipe? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

3 Comments to Licorice Root Tea

  1. I just tried this recipe and I just love it!! The ginger adds a nice taste. Thanks for sharing it with us!!

  2. I had pnemonia and drinking licorice root tea for a few days dried up the fluid in my lungs. Excellent cure

  3. I am trying to heal my sons inflamed gut the doctors want to inject him with all kinds of immune suppressant drugs. I do not wish to do this. I’m trying to use anything the earth gives us to help him. They also say that his issues have made a mass show up near his butt hole. I know TMI but I’m trying to find any help that i can. The doctors say the mass will never really go away but it will shrink with the IV immune suppressant drugs I just don’t believe that is so. The human body was built to heal itself giving that we are not dumping in poison from horrible foods into it. Any help will greatly be appreciated.
    thank you,

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