Hormones Balance Main Quiz Discover which hormonal imbalance is affecting you.Name*Email* Where can we send you the results? Question 1 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Feeling like you are constantly running from task to task? Feeling jittery, unfocused or moody when hungry? Tired and wired? Sugar cravings (dinner feels incomplete without something sweet)? Indigestion, acid reflux or ulcers? A struggle to calm down and slow down? Pink or purple stretch marks on your belly or back? Quick to get angry? Infertility or subfertility? Hard time getting over adversity or diseases? Hair loss? Difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep? Water retention (puffy face, fingers or feet)? Memory lapses, especially when emotional? Frequent colds and flus? Heart palpitations? Muffin top? Poor skin like eczema, thinning skin? Bone loss (like osteopenia or osteoporosis)? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 1 Count Question 2 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Fatigue or burnout (you use coffee to keep you going)? Salt cravings? Low blood pressure? Feeling dizzy after getting up from a seated and lying position? Feeling very negative in the way you see life and people? Crying for no good reason or getting easily emotional? Loss of stamina, especially in the afternoon and evening? Can't get out of bed or you only "wake up" after 2 cups of coffee? Decreased problem-solving skills? Decreased stress tolerance? Struggle to get over simple cold, flu or infections? Low or unstable blood sugar levels? Lower sex drive? Mild depression? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 2 Count Question 3 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Headaches, especially around your period? Ovarian cysts, breast cysts or endometriosis? Itchy or restless legs, especially at night? Miscarriages in the first trimester? Infertility or subfertility (can't hold on to a pregnancy)? Heavy or painful periods? Bloating, especially in the belly and ankle area and/or water retention? Painful and/or swollen breasts? Irregular periods and/or cycles that became more frequent as you age? Hot flashes? Irritability and/or anxiety? Difficulty falling and/or staying asleep? Dry skin or skin that has lost its fullness? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 3 Count Question 4 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Spider or varicose veins? Cellulite? Heavy menstrual bleeding? Breast or ovarian fibroids? Irritability, mood swings or anxiety? Headaches or migraines, particularly before your period? Fat around your hips? Use of birth control pills? Heavy bleeding or postmenopausal bleeding? Bloating, puffiness or water retention? Enlarged breasts and/or breast tenderness? Endometriosis or painful periods? PMS and/or depression? Crying spells for no good reason? Can't fall asleep? Gallbladder problems or removal? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 4 Count Question 5 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Poor memory ("why did I walk into this room")? Night sweats and hot flashes? Leaky or overactive bladder? Emotional fragility, especially when compared to years ago? Depression, anxiety and lethargy (loss of enthusiasm)? Trouble falling and staying asleep? Achy joints? Loss of interest in exercise? Bone loss or osteoporosis? Vaginal dryness, irritation or loss of feeling? Dryness in the eyes, skin and/or vagina? Low sex drive? Painful sex? Dry and saggy skin? Thinning skin? Shrinking and sagging breasts? Menopause? "Love handles" or fat gain around abdomen? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 5 Count Question 6 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Acne? Oily skin and/or hair? Hair loss on scalp? Hair growth on chin, upper lip, breasts or stomach? Infertility? Shrinking and saggy breasts? Irritability, aggression or easily agitated? Fat gain around your belly? Craving sweets or carbohydrates? Fatty liver? Discoloration of your armpits (darker and thicker than your normal skin)? Hypo- or hyperglycemia (high or low blood sugar levels)? Depression and/or anxiety? Ovarian cysts or PCOS? Midcycle pain? Constantly hungry or increased appetite? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 6 Count Question 7 of 7: Which symptoms are you currently experiencing? Hair loss? Eyebrow and/or eyelash hair loss? Weight gain in spite of diet and exercise? Depression, anxiety and/or lethargy? Flickering of the eyelids? Brittle and/or thinning hair, nails and skin? Dry skin? High cholesterol? Muscle or joint pains and aches? Constipation? Tingling in your hands and/or feet? Cold hands and/or feet? Fatigue? Foggy brain (slow thoughts, hard to focus)? Infertility? Lower sex drive? An enlarged thyroid? A family history of thyroid problems? Hives? This field is hidden when viewing the formSet 7 Count Δ