Discover How a Proven, Practical Program with Over 125 Easy, Delicious Recipes
Can Help Boost Energy and Mood, Lower Inflammation, Gain Strength, and Restore a Healthy Weight
Thyroid • Hashimoto’s • Adrenal Fatigue • Peri-/Menopause • Estrogen Dominance • PCOS • Fibroids • Endometriosis

Who is this Book for?
For women dealing with these hormonal balances:
Thyroid • Hashimoto’s • Adrenal Fatigue • Peri-/Menopause • Estrogen Dominance • PCOS • Fibroids • Endometriosis • Breast Lumps • Thyroid Nodules • Breast and Thyroid Cancer
- Eating well but not feeling good
- Confused which diet to pick
- Understanding what food to eat
- Having chronic digestive challenges
- Being told “to eat less and exercise more” by their doctor
- Regain energy and life vitality
- Get back to healthy weight
- Kick anxiety, depression and foggy brain
- Lower inflammation
- Feel strong and fit in their body
This book offers you the comprehensive food-as-medicine approach for tackling hormone imbalance.
What will you get from the Book?
125+ Recipes
Hormone-Specific Meal Plans
The ABCs of Hormones
Hormone Quiz
20 Balancing Hormone Superfoods
20 Hormone power herbs, spices, and mushrooms
tips on stocking your kitchen
traditional food preparation techniques
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These are just some of the recipes
you will find in the book.
Medicinal food made into culinary magic.
All recipes are free of:
Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Corn, Eggs, and Nightshade Vegetables.
They are highly anti-inflammatory and low in sugar.
Want to help other women in your life?
Your hormones are not your destiny.
Expert Book Reviews
About Magdalena
Cooking for hormone balance. The founder of the popular Hormones Balance online community, holistic nutrition coach, Magdalena Wszelaki knows this firsthand. Developing hyperthyroidism and then Hashimoto’s, adrenal fatigue and estrogen dominance propelled her to leave a high-pressured advertising career and develop a new way of eating that would repair and keep her hormones working smoothly.
Now symptom free, Magdalena shares her practical, proven knowledge so other women may benefit. In Cooking for Hormone Balance, she draws on current research to explain the essential role food plays in keeping our hormones in harmony, and offers easy, flavorful recipes to help us eat our way to good health. She also offers clear, concise action plans for what to remove and add to our daily diet to regain hormonal balance, including guides for specific conditions.
Join me in discovering how to turn your hormones
into your best allies.
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Copyright © 2018, Magdalena Wszelaki. Site by Mara Belzer.