Ginger Licorice Infused Honey (Sun and Stovetop Method)
Double boiler (if using stovetop method)
Fine stainless steel mesh strainer
Sterilized 8-10 ounce glass jar
Serves: 1 cup
  • 1 cup raw honey
  • ¼ cup fresh sliced ginger
  • ¼ cup dried licorice root, chopped
How To Make
Sun Method
  1. Place ginger and licorice root in a sterilized glass jar, pour honey on top.
  2. Stir with a clean spoon to coat ginger and licorice root with honey. Seal jar tightly. Label with recipe name and date.
  3. Infuse herbs by placing jar in a sunny spot for a week, or 2-4 weeks for a stronger infusion.
  4. Strain honey with a fine mesh strainer. This can take a while for the herb-infused honey to drip out. I like to set up my strainer over a clean jar and do other things while it takes its sweet time.
  5. Seal jar and store in a cool, dry place (usually your cupboard or pantry works).
Stovetop Method
  1. Add 2 cups of water to the pot of a double-boiler and place a bowl on top. Pour honey into bowl and heat over very low heat. Add ginger and licorice root. Heat for 4 hours, adding extra water to pot as needed.
  2. Turn heat off and carefully pour honey through a fine mesh strainer into a sterile jar. Cool honey for 1 hour at room temperature.
  3. Seal jar and store in a cool, dry place.
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